Frustration! I am not the only Non-Lawyer spouse who experiences difficulties! Why is it so hard to be married to a lawyer? At the end of this article there is a book suggested by the author to purchase. I did purchase that book three years ago prior to getting married, and what I read about the potential relationship dynamics between a lawyer and non-lawyer married couple sounded pretty bleak. I felt that due to my self-awareness and our loving bond that I would be able to understand his perspective and how taxing his career is on his emotional well-being; however, that is much harder than I could have ever imagined, and I am finding that our home life has become Law and Disorder. –awanon

Marry a Lawyer? Proceed With Caution

By Dr. Fiona Travis

In recent years, some of America’s most popular TV programs and films depicted lawyers winning in court but losing in love. A distortion of reality, or do lawyers really have problems building and sustaining relationships? Regrettably, the image is accurate.

It’s not that lawyers lack relationship-building skills. But, overworked, overburdened and squeezed by time – and now, the worst downturn in two decades – lawyers do exhibit communication and intimacy breakdowns peculiar to their education, their professional training and work environment.

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